Jocelyne Perez


Congratulations to our April Athlete of the Month, Jocelyne Perez! Jocelyne has been a member at RTCF for more than 3 1/2 years. She is a regular at the 6:30PM class. Recently Jocelyne has been coming in early and picking up the Elements classes when she can to take an hour to focus on a particular movement and work on her form and efficiency. We love to see our current members do that! Jocelyne works hard day in and day out, consistently pushing herself. She is eager to learn and is very coachable. She’ll do what she can and scale to where she needs to be. She always comes in the door with a smile and is positive and happy to be in class plus has a great relationship with her fellow class members. All in all, Jocelyne is a joy to have around! We are so glad you are part of the RTCF family!

Brenna Lang